Creative Writing


The rolling hills began to diminish,

At the edge of their feet, a majestic finish.

A fertile valley lush and green

What a home for God’s creatures, a haven serene.

Towering trees, and rushing streams…

Brimming with life, what a beautiful scene.

Flora and fauna embellish the land

Wrought by the Creator’s bountiful hand

The earth and its fullness declare a story,

Let all who discern, praise the Lord of Glory.


Judas Iscariot

“Name your price!”, they said to Iscariot.

“Be it houses, or horses, or maybe a chariot?”

Judas replied, “Thirty pieces of silver,

and into your hands, this man, I’ll deliver.”

He approaches the Lord,

and he gives him a kiss.

And Jesus said, “Has it come to this?

Though you should betray the Son of Man,

this too is part of my Father’s plan.

I will give my life of my own volition

so that none should be lost,

save the son of perdition.”

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