Landscape Photos

My love for landscape photos began when I got my first digital camera, I used it to document my fossils, haircuts, and places I have traveled. I started blogging my images on Twitter, and I was energized by the view totals that my photos received in only a few minutes!

Texas Landscape Photo Sky    Texas Landscape Photo Barn

Even more exciting was watching my fossil images find their way to the first page of Google.

At the time I was also using my own photos as painting references in grad school, and then one day, my painting professor said, “Dana, your photo is already a good composition! Why do you need a painting of it?”

It was at that very moment that I realized he was absolutely correct. He sent me to the photography department. I loved the immediacy of a finished product, I felt set free!

I do enjoy commercial photography, but, I am most passionate about shooting beautiful landscape photos.

Currently I am documenting the Blackland Prairies of Fannin County, Texas. This is my home, and I feel compelled to bloom where I am planted.


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