texas backroads
texas backroads

Walking The Backroads of Texas

I like to walk the wooded back roads of Texas in the summer time because it is otherwise too hot to be outside in the 100-something degree weather. The temperature in the shade is typically about 10 degrees cooler, making it slightly more tolerable to be outdoors.

There is something about sunlight filtering through the trees and rays of sunshine in general that I am attracted to. The backlight casts beautiful shadows on the road, becoming one with the neglected trees and their gnarly branches. The trees are not necessarily the subject, but rather, the overall balance of light, shadows and shapes.

Without the light shining through, it would be a more ominous scene. I cannot penetrate the thicket in front of me, but the light, which cannot be contained, shines its way through the darkest obstacles to reach me. I stand in the shadows of the tree branches, using it as a screen so I can enjoy a moment in time that is meaningful to me.

The dappling light flickers on my face with every gush of wind. The sound of leaves clap together and rejoice in unison with the birds, and cicadas. I linger there motionless for a while to feel the sun and wind caress me, and I thank the Creator for speaking to me.

And then, I take a photograph so I can recall it later.

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