Grindelia Tincture

Grindelia Tincture

Grindelia is well known for its effectiveness in easing coughs associated with bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia. It has been my personal experience and direct observation with this particular batch, that it can help suppress that tickly cough that is dry, unproductive, and makes you cough uncontrollably.

I made several liters of tincture from the 2021 Fall harvest. It is made from 100% Premium, Live Grindelia Buds. The buds were hand selected during peak harvest time for optimal medicinal value and freshness.

I found a baby plant in the Arkansas Ozarks, and felt compelled to bring it home. I planted it in my yard, and as divine providence would have it, I had found Grindelia Squarrosa, otherwise known as Curlycup Gumweed. When I Identified what I had and realized it was a potent cough medication, I proceeded immediately to make a tincture. Then, by some miracle, a few months later that Fall, I found a field of it growing organically in Texas, and, now I knew what to do with it.

My family and I hand harvested only the most premium quality, live, sticky and resinous buds for this tincture. It is made using 1 part live flower buds to 3 parts alcohol (95%). I use 10-20 drops 3-5 times a day as needed for cough. Dosing is different for each individual though and I recommend starting with 5-10 drops, and adjusting from there.

I have received positive verbal testimonies from friends and family members who have used this specific batch of tincture for help with their asthma, and Covid coughs. My grandson said “It was the only thing that helped him with his Covid cough!”

I didn’t make this stuff up! Research indicates Curlycup Gumweed is useful for relieving a dry cough, and other respiratory issues and it is also used topically for poison ivy rashes and eczema.

“American Indians used the gummy secretions of curlycup gumweed to relieve asthma, bronchitis, and colic. Pawnee Indians boiled leaves and flowering tops to treat saddle sores and raw skin. Today, medicinal uses include treatment of bronchial spasm, whooping cough, asthma, and rashes caused by poison ivy. Curlycup gumweed extract is valuable as a stimulant, sedative, astringent, purgative, emetic, diuretic, antiseptic, and disinfectant.”

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