Haircut And Makeup By Dana Ann Evans

If you know me at all, you know that I know how to give a good haircut! I also love makeup artistry, and do hair and makeup for special occasions. On this particular occasion, my client wanted to cut her waist length hair and try short hair. I asked her how much maintenance she was willing to do to maintain her new look. There is nothing worse than giving someone a style that they can not reproduce after they leave the salon. We examined several haircuts that emulated a style that she was willing to wear.

After we narrowed the hairstyles down to 3 or 4, and determined that a low maintenance upkeep was best for her, I gave her long, 180 degree layers that fell slightly below her occipital bone in the back. Once the layers were cut, I established the length of the perimeter in the back.  I then created a long fringe in the front, and tapered the sides of her hair to give her a modern, pageboy haircut.

The finished look was created by applying mousse to wet hair, and blow-drying it under with a vent brush. This versatile haircut has a lot of movement, and can be worn forward towards the face, tucked behind the ears, or brushed back as pictured here.

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